Doing free service and getting intimidated by fellow resident. What a pain. Not only we do not get appreciated we are abused. This is really incredible. Such unreasonable and selfish neighbour I have.
Living in a nice estate is fun. However, bad neighbours can make it less pleasant.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Humming Bird
I was sitting at the front yard yesterday morning while waiting for B3 to get ready for school. A large insect flew to our white flowers in our garden and darting from one flower to another. The interesting thing it did not stop flapping it wings once it reaches the flower. Moving rapidly from one flower to another, I noticed the profile of a humming bird. I realised it is a humming bird rather than a large flying insect. I am amazed and privilege to see a live humming bird. The size of the humming bird is slightly larger than one inch. It is very shy. I thought I could see if I can capture it to examine it closely. The moment I stand up, it flew away hastily.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Malaysia National Day
Tomorrow is Malaysia's National Day. Last Friday, was another public holiday. Malaysia has the highest number of public holidays in Asia. On top of the 22 or more gazetted holidays, there are adhoc public holidays. Malaysians have wonderful lifestyle with so many days off. Singapore Government in contrast is concerned with productivity and have pro-business policies. So workers in Singapore have to work so much harder and this is how we achieve global competitiveness.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
This morning B1 has extra tuition in downtown. So we went to Takashimaya to kill time and wait for him. B3 has to do his homework in KFC. After reading the papers, I wander about in the mall. The next thing I noticed is a woman waving vigorously at me and striding toward me at a rapid pace and smiling broadly. It took me a split second before my brain's recognition circuits kick in. My baby sister who landed Singapore yesterday evening at 6pm. She should be having jetlag as she had lived in Toronto for 4 weeks.
My baby sister was very happy to chance meeting me and my family. She radiates positive glow and high spirits. I got more updates on mum's recovery after her knee surgery. I am happy to report mum is making good progress. I am also happy to see my sister glowing healthily after living in Canada for a few weeks.
My baby sister was very happy to chance meeting me and my family. She radiates positive glow and high spirits. I got more updates on mum's recovery after her knee surgery. I am happy to report mum is making good progress. I am also happy to see my sister glowing healthily after living in Canada for a few weeks.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Three Nieces
My three nieces came for dinner tonight. This is our first meeting after numerous years. All others nieces have visited us at least once a year. Usually, it is a couple of times in the year. I am happy to met my long lost nieces. We lost contact with them since we left for Canada. My brother did not maintain a good relationship with his daughters and they refused to go with him to do Chinese New Year visiting when they reach Secondary School level.
We have lots to talk about and their aunt (aka Sim Sim) can discuss plenty of hairdos, cosmetics, and other girl's talk. The girls are enterprising and earning their own extra pocket money for spending. They have survival instincts and the eldest is working for a year, middle is in 2nd year in NUS and the baby is learning Marine Engineering skills. Looks like they are growing up to be fine ladies and their mum have look after them well.
We have lots to talk about and their aunt (aka Sim Sim) can discuss plenty of hairdos, cosmetics, and other girl's talk. The girls are enterprising and earning their own extra pocket money for spending. They have survival instincts and the eldest is working for a year, middle is in 2nd year in NUS and the baby is learning Marine Engineering skills. Looks like they are growing up to be fine ladies and their mum have look after them well.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Angry Neighbour
An angry neighbour came drop by to protest the legal letter he received. It is amazing to do volunteer duty and then get abuse by the disgruntled neighbours. Nobody want to do the job but loved to tell person doing the job how to do it. It is so easy to give advice - no responsibility required.
Goooood Morning, Singapore!
The sky just turned light and then bright in a jiffy. No long twilight like Canada. The birds are singing. The TV is on and I am watching the Karate Kid. It is a good distraction and relaxing. Karate Kid is a blend of Western and Eastern, American kid learning Chinese Kungfu instead of Japanese Karate.
"When life knocks you down, it is up to you to get up again."
"When life knocks you down, it is up to you to get up again."
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Home Again
I am glad to be back home. Man, it is really stressful trip and so unlucky at the checkpoint. My roast ducks was confiscated. They were so nice and warm. Some customs officials may be enjoying roast duck for dinner tonight.
Now I know that roast meats are not allowed to be brought into Singapore. So, no more chance for my family to enjoy roast anything anymore from KL, hiazz! sigh! sigh!
Now I know that roast meats are not allowed to be brought into Singapore. So, no more chance for my family to enjoy roast anything anymore from KL, hiazz! sigh! sigh!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Busy At Work
Man, the last two days was crazy. It is no walk in the park. Hosting visitors and bringing from place to place. Hopping onto the is a short hop to KL but still have to go through the hassle of immigration.
I am updating this blog at a Starbucks. The hotel charges RM58 to use the internet. So I decided to get a "free" coffee while surfing the net. I am actually saving money since the coffee is only RM12. What a deal!
I just heard a friend in hospital for chemotherapy. I pray to Goddess of Mercy for his speedy recovery. Kuan Yin, please do help B to recover quickly.
I am updating this blog at a Starbucks. The hotel charges RM58 to use the internet. So I decided to get a "free" coffee while surfing the net. I am actually saving money since the coffee is only RM12. What a deal!
I just heard a friend in hospital for chemotherapy. I pray to Goddess of Mercy for his speedy recovery. Kuan Yin, please do help B to recover quickly.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
At Home on Sunday
This is first Sunday we broke our routine of killing time in the malls. The exam pressure is on for "A" level and B1 is squeezed for time to catch up in his work. B2 is doing school work but still gets distracted by his iPod and computer. B3 was our biggest challenge. It is hard to get him to sit down to especially there are kids playing outside and making a racket. The temptation to join his friends was irresistible.
Look like we are going to be at home most Sundays moving forward. Exam fever has hit us and the heat can only go up. It will be December before we can have more relaxing Sunday again.
Look like we are going to be at home most Sundays moving forward. Exam fever has hit us and the heat can only go up. It will be December before we can have more relaxing Sunday again.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Mighty Beans Craze
B3, the baby is so obsessed with Mighty Beans relaunched. He has been pestering me for more mighty beans. His friends has many and this is the talk of town er... I mean our neighbourhood. He is trading with two other boys and they have a carry-on container each and are very excited about the "rare" ones they got and trade the duplicates they have.
His two older brothers are against me making deals with him so that he can acquire more mighty beans. They think I am spoiling him and keep on buying so many for him.
His two older brothers are against me making deals with him so that he can acquire more mighty beans. They think I am spoiling him and keep on buying so many for him.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thank God It's Friday
A busy day at work. It is always crazy after every trip. Just work and work. Then have to get ready to receive visitors next week and travel with them. I am glad the weekend is here. Tomorrow more mad rush but on different things. Tuition duties. Life is Singapore is just work for adults and study for kids. No time for R&R. We are a harried and stressed society. Do we really need to work so hard? Why do our government continues to remind us to work and work? Not only work but must be more productive. Aiyaaaa! Enjoy my work and it will turn into fun. I am having fun, I am having fun, I am having fun, I am having fun...
Emile Coue...after chanting the mantra...I am REALLY having fun!
Emile Coue...after chanting the mantra...I am REALLY having fun!
British-accented Stewardess
The Japanese stewardess in the flight from Kansai to Singapore was slim and tall for a Japanese. Her English was impeccably British. I like the accent and the choice of words. Brits use different words from Americans or Australians. With Singlish, Chinglish, another other Asian versions of English, it is quite interesting the International language of commerce may end up Tower of English like the Tower of Babel.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Early and Brighter
The sun probably rise at 4:30am. I woke up at 6am and it is bright and early. The sun is out strong. This the best part about living in a country with 4 seasons. The day is always changing from long to short and short to long. Living in Singapore, the daylight hours is always the same and become same old routine. Boring!
I was feeling tired and sleepy. Somehow I am unable to go to dreamland. I think it may be the strong hot tea. I do not know why tea keeps me awake sometimes and many times there are no effect. I used feel anxious if I have to get up early to go to the airport. Nowadays, I do not worry so much. I just try to nap in the plane instead.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Wonderful Host and Fabulous Dinner
The weather is warm. No warm is an understatement. It is hot and muggy. We finished our meeting. My host is warm and always treat me to nice dinner. I did not capture a picture of the food. It is very delicate and extremely tasty. T-san always makes me feel like a VIP. I enjoyed his company and his support for my work. He is a great partner.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I have been staying in Osaka Central Station in the last few trips. Today, I am total confused as the station is under construction. All my usual landmarks are gone. Only names in Japanese as well as English. I need visual aids in a foreign environment. So I was wandering around trying to get my bearing.
Both Osaka and Tokyo Central Station are undergoing major restoration and renovation. It must be government renewal programs at work...
Both Osaka and Tokyo Central Station are undergoing major restoration and renovation. It must be government renewal programs at work...
Monday, August 16, 2010
No Tonkatsu, Yakitori instead
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Authentic Japanese Food
Tomorrow I will be eating authentic Japanese food. It will be a busy trip going from one city to another. It is a good trip as it is to recognise our customer for the good work they have done for us and themselves.
Tonkatsu, here I come.
Tonkatsu, here I come.
ST Editorial August 14
I have been derelict in my resolution to summarize the editorial of Straits Time regularly to improve my English. I am writing more recently due to my excitement in the changes in my job and discovering my nieces. The emotional rush is hard to describes in words.
Anyway, I read the editorial in the Straits Times yesterday and a couple of points caught my attention. Title: Youth Olympics: A time to fly. The inaugural Youth Olympics, first games is host by Singapore. There are the usual songs and dance and fireworks. The amount Singapore is spending on the event is $390 million is three times the initial estimate.
"Like music, the essence of sport is transcendental, lifting participants and spectators to a higher, even spiritual plane." I am not a sportman nor an avid sports fan. No World Cup, no Wimbledon, no Thomas Cup, no, no, NO! I have no interest. I enjoys cycling and swimming to exercise and keep fit. I read top athletes do get in "flow" or heighten state of spirituality. I do not think cheering fans will get into "spiritual plane".
I like, however, the example that disprove Hitler's assumptions of Aryan superiority. Jesse Owens the black American who won four gold medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympics is the standard example. I did not read enough sports history to know this. It is sometime new I learn reading the editorial.
The editor is also modest... he says by some measures, Singapore is the best country in Aisa in which to live, work and play. I would says after travelling in Asia for 22 years, it is the best city by a long way.
I am happy to live here and raise my family. It is safe with high standard of living and low taxes. The school system is a pressure cooker and job market is fiercely competitive since it is an open market for global talent. I am lucky to be born in Singapore.
Anyway, I read the editorial in the Straits Times yesterday and a couple of points caught my attention. Title: Youth Olympics: A time to fly. The inaugural Youth Olympics, first games is host by Singapore. There are the usual songs and dance and fireworks. The amount Singapore is spending on the event is $390 million is three times the initial estimate.
"Like music, the essence of sport is transcendental, lifting participants and spectators to a higher, even spiritual plane." I am not a sportman nor an avid sports fan. No World Cup, no Wimbledon, no Thomas Cup, no, no, NO! I have no interest. I enjoys cycling and swimming to exercise and keep fit. I read top athletes do get in "flow" or heighten state of spirituality. I do not think cheering fans will get into "spiritual plane".
I like, however, the example that disprove Hitler's assumptions of Aryan superiority. Jesse Owens the black American who won four gold medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympics is the standard example. I did not read enough sports history to know this. It is sometime new I learn reading the editorial.
The editor is also modest... he says by some measures, Singapore is the best country in Aisa in which to live, work and play. I would says after travelling in Asia for 22 years, it is the best city by a long way.
I am happy to live here and raise my family. It is safe with high standard of living and low taxes. The school system is a pressure cooker and job market is fiercely competitive since it is an open market for global talent. I am lucky to be born in Singapore.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Unpleasant and Horrible Waitress at Nandos
Nandos is a new chicken place in Bugis Junction. It is quite popular. So we decide to try this morning. It is open at 10am when the place is empty. The menu has lots of exotic names and no explanation. I ask the waitress to explain and she is impatient. Her attitude is very atrocious and body language basically sends a very clear message. She was unwilling to explain or confirm what I have ordered properly. With a staff like this, she is clearing driving away customers. Her manager was unable to get her to work.
Nurul, is young and pretty. Her English capability is adequate but insists on speaking fast and running all the words together making herself unintelligible. With waitress like Nurul, I like to see how long Nandos business will last.
The chicken tastes good. Good food is one thing. If the whole meal becomes unpleasant and my family time is totally spoilt right at the start by Nurul. I will not go back. Maybe Nurul had a bad day, maybe she is impatient with a customer who is unfamiliar with the menu. Whatever the reasons may be, she left behind such a bad taste that it spoils the good taste of chicken.
Nurul, is young and pretty. Her English capability is adequate but insists on speaking fast and running all the words together making herself unintelligible. With waitress like Nurul, I like to see how long Nandos business will last.
The chicken tastes good. Good food is one thing. If the whole meal becomes unpleasant and my family time is totally spoilt right at the start by Nurul. I will not go back. Maybe Nurul had a bad day, maybe she is impatient with a customer who is unfamiliar with the menu. Whatever the reasons may be, she left behind such a bad taste that it spoils the good taste of chicken.
No Joy!
I was too tired last night and decided to go to bed. However, I left the binoculars for my boys. B2 reported this morning he tried last night but the sky was too cloudy. Singapore is not a friendly place for Stargazers. City lights and clouds thwart any attempt at astronomy.
In Canada, the sky are clear and there are many places where the stars are clearly visible. Even driving along the highways. The highways between cities are not light up. So the chance of seeing UFOs are also greater.
I am, however, joyful to receive an email acknowledgement from the eldest daughter of my brother. I have been keeping this diary for a few years now. I feel the last few days is like Series 2 of TV soap opera or The Sequel of a successful movie. New characters are introduced and coming. Will the characters develop and weave into my family life? Only time can tell...onwards and forward. Auspicium Meliori Aevi!
In Canada, the sky are clear and there are many places where the stars are clearly visible. Even driving along the highways. The highways between cities are not light up. So the chance of seeing UFOs are also greater.
I am, however, joyful to receive an email acknowledgement from the eldest daughter of my brother. I have been keeping this diary for a few years now. I feel the last few days is like Series 2 of TV soap opera or The Sequel of a successful movie. New characters are introduced and coming. Will the characters develop and weave into my family life? Only time can tell...onwards and forward. Auspicium Meliori Aevi!
Conversations with LKY
In the movie "The School of Rock", the protagonist, a rock star wannabe impersonate his best friend and took a temporary job as a school teacher to earn some income as he is completely broke. He start work the first day and all the teachers were having a break and they were having causal conversation trying to get to know the new teacher. He made a snide remark "those who can do; those who can't teach." It was comical to see him blundered because all his colleagues avoid him right away.
In page 163 bottom paragraph, Tom Plate writes "They say in America those who do, do" and those who can't, teach. But he does both. He has the country to prove it."
I loved to teach and shares my opinions sometimes without being asked. A little like LKY. I am also proud of my achievements. While it is a David and Goliath comparison, I like to say I do both. I have a business division to prove it.
In page 163 bottom paragraph, Tom Plate writes "They say in America those who do, do" and those who can't, teach. But he does both. He has the country to prove it."
I loved to teach and shares my opinions sometimes without being asked. A little like LKY. I am also proud of my achievements. While it is a David and Goliath comparison, I like to say I do both. I have a business division to prove it.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Meteor Shower and Fat Feedback
Tonight the Perseid Meteor shower visits the Earth. The best time to view is 11pm to 12am in the Northeast. It is very cloudy now. Also I have HDB flats blocking my view. After a couple days of exciting time in the office, it is nice to unwind to scientific pursuits.
My colleague from Hong Kong wrote to me after seeing my picture and asking me about my weight gain. I look at the picture and yes, I look fat. To make matter worse, I have gained more weight since the offending picture was taken. I do not want to look like a tub of lard:(
My colleague from Hong Kong wrote to me after seeing my picture and asking me about my weight gain. I look at the picture and yes, I look fat. To make matter worse, I have gained more weight since the offending picture was taken. I do not want to look like a tub of lard:(
The Day After
The whole office is abuzz with the announcement of the re-organisation. I was a little surprised and shocked my picture was in the document and sent around the globe. Now a lot of my colleagues can recognised me and I would still have no clue who some of the people who greet me.
It is much ado about nothing. I have no change except for my reporting relationship. I am so glad the weekend is here and family time together.
It is much ado about nothing. I have no change except for my reporting relationship. I am so glad the weekend is here and family time together.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
My boss called today. He is moving into another job. As a result, there will be a re-organisation in the section I am in. Two of my peer team members will report to another leader in Australia. Another two will each report to a new leader to be hired. I will be reporting back to my old boss in US.
He is coming in two weeks to see me! Anyway, now I will get a chance to travel to US again. Man, it will be a long trip. It is a long way to go but I like the opportunity to buy some American stuff and help them out in their economy;)
America! Have no fear when K is here!!
He is coming in two weeks to see me! Anyway, now I will get a chance to travel to US again. Man, it will be a long trip. It is a long way to go but I like the opportunity to buy some American stuff and help them out in their economy;)
America! Have no fear when K is here!!
Conversations with Lee Kuan Yew
I am at page 90... Amazingly, it is interesting story. Every Singaporean know Singapore. Politics and wonders of our politians do not interest me. I enjoys shallow things in life like food, family and saving the earth. Once in a while, I get into some excitement like finding my long lost nieces in facebook. Then get deflated by the apathy and silent treatment. Who says life is perfect? I still harbours the hope my nieces will visit one day.
Back to LKY, Tom Plate writes well. LKY injured his thigh while dismounting on a stationary bike. He still grant a day long interview for Plate. The perspective and insights from LKY is indeed broad and deep. His towering intellect and read on social and political sensitivities are indeed something for me to learn. For example, he pointed out in integrating minority group in Urumqi, capital in Xinjiang as there were "trouble" (read "racial riots") Here is how it is paragraph two, page 50:
"I told them, look, why don't you do it another way? You can't make the Uighur competitive in business as the Chinese have been doing this for thousands of years. Why not get your Han companies to bring the best of the Uighurs in as minority partners? Then they are also in the high-rises and also sharing in the growth. Instead, they are being pushed out, not just their big companies, but even their hawkers and small shopkeeper squeezed out. If I were a Uighur, I would feel the Hans are taking over. Infrastructure development means more Han Chinese. More Han Chinese....doesn't matter if I get richer as a result, but I'm becoming poorer."
The solution is clear. He finds a way to engage and integrate the best of the minority group in order to stablise a diverse society with different cultural behaviours.
I wished my company is run this way.
Back to LKY, Tom Plate writes well. LKY injured his thigh while dismounting on a stationary bike. He still grant a day long interview for Plate. The perspective and insights from LKY is indeed broad and deep. His towering intellect and read on social and political sensitivities are indeed something for me to learn. For example, he pointed out in integrating minority group in Urumqi, capital in Xinjiang as there were "trouble" (read "racial riots") Here is how it is paragraph two, page 50:
"I told them, look, why don't you do it another way? You can't make the Uighur competitive in business as the Chinese have been doing this for thousands of years. Why not get your Han companies to bring the best of the Uighurs in as minority partners? Then they are also in the high-rises and also sharing in the growth. Instead, they are being pushed out, not just their big companies, but even their hawkers and small shopkeeper squeezed out. If I were a Uighur, I would feel the Hans are taking over. Infrastructure development means more Han Chinese. More Han Chinese....doesn't matter if I get richer as a result, but I'm becoming poorer."
The solution is clear. He finds a way to engage and integrate the best of the minority group in order to stablise a diverse society with different cultural behaviours.
I wished my company is run this way.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Finally! Some Progress...
I have been trying to get rid of the 2kg I gained in Sydney on the last week of June. Sydney is two hours ahead. Bacon and orange juice for breakfast every morning at 5am our time vs teh halia at 7am, tea breaks, lunch and then best bbq ribs in town mean I returned home with fatter and heavier. I have been hovering at 89kg after dinner for the last 5 weeks even though I exercise like mad. Finally, I can see some progress in my weight reduction. My weight lowers by slightly more than half a kg.
I am happy with my improvements. My challenge is next week, I will be travelling again for two weeks. It will be more delicious meals and plenty of high cal food.
I am happy with my improvements. My challenge is next week, I will be travelling again for two weeks. It will be more delicious meals and plenty of high cal food.
Random Thoughts
I am all excited after discovering my long "lost" nieces and invited them to visit. However, they do not know me. Only the eldest, G, may have some faint memories of me.
I wonder how my nieces are reacting to my invitation and what will I do or say to them if they visit. What can I do other than offer food and drinks. The past is the past. It is the future we should talk about. There are many things to say and nothing to talk. I just wanted to know them a little and let them know me a little. We are related by blood. I am very sorry my nieces have a delinquent father. They have a wonderful mother who brought them up and they have grown up well.
They really do not know me and their maternal grandma is quite bitter about their father, my brother and probably the rest of his family. I was thinking what do I have to offer. Actually nothing. My nieces did not missed anything over the years. So why would they come?
Every year, my other nieces and nephews come to visit during Chinese New Year as well as adhoc dinners I would cook for them (you guess right! - bbq). They would come and for dinner, share a little of their stories and updates on their lives or not. The older nieces will bring their boyfriends along. It is just a regular family get together. I feel very happy even though just being together with no specific agenda or topic.
I watched all the TV shows on emotional reunions. They are usually siblings or parent-child reunions. Uncle - nieces? Not yet! So I guess only time will tell if my nieces are interested to meet their uncle.
I wonder how my nieces are reacting to my invitation and what will I do or say to them if they visit. What can I do other than offer food and drinks. The past is the past. It is the future we should talk about. There are many things to say and nothing to talk. I just wanted to know them a little and let them know me a little. We are related by blood. I am very sorry my nieces have a delinquent father. They have a wonderful mother who brought them up and they have grown up well.
They really do not know me and their maternal grandma is quite bitter about their father, my brother and probably the rest of his family. I was thinking what do I have to offer. Actually nothing. My nieces did not missed anything over the years. So why would they come?
Every year, my other nieces and nephews come to visit during Chinese New Year as well as adhoc dinners I would cook for them (you guess right! - bbq). They would come and for dinner, share a little of their stories and updates on their lives or not. The older nieces will bring their boyfriends along. It is just a regular family get together. I feel very happy even though just being together with no specific agenda or topic.
I watched all the TV shows on emotional reunions. They are usually siblings or parent-child reunions. Uncle - nieces? Not yet! So I guess only time will tell if my nieces are interested to meet their uncle.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Russia has wildfires and Pakistan has floods. The weather patterns are hotly debated. Is global warming or is it not? One data point i.e. one season does not indicate a trend. Now there is a global search for frogs as it is the proverbial canary in the mine. Frogs species are disappearing at an unprecedented rate. At a strategic 40,000 ft view, this is a worrying trend. As we move to a lower level, the macro-economics begins to take precedence. All countries want to make sure their economies continue to grow and create jobs.
By the time, it reaches individual level, the impact of CO2 emissions is very small. Each of us has to worry about our survival and economic well-being. Earning my daily rice, I do not even think about carbon. In order to do my job, I have to travel. This is huge carbon footprint. But the airplanes are going to fly anyway with or without me. I cannot say "oh! it is not green to fly so I am not travelling." As an individual, I use eco-friendly appliances and car. I also instill energy use conciousness on all my boys.
We are an eco-friendly family.
By the time, it reaches individual level, the impact of CO2 emissions is very small. Each of us has to worry about our survival and economic well-being. Earning my daily rice, I do not even think about carbon. In order to do my job, I have to travel. This is huge carbon footprint. But the airplanes are going to fly anyway with or without me. I cannot say "oh! it is not green to fly so I am not travelling." As an individual, I use eco-friendly appliances and car. I also instill energy use conciousness on all my boys.
We are an eco-friendly family.
FOUND in Facebook
Imagine my delights and joys that I discovered my neices whom I have not seen for many years in Facebook. The wonder of technology is amazing. I am not a Facebook fan with all the negative press on the abuse of confidential personal information. I still think Facebook is a menace to its millions of users. Hey, it is connect me to my nieces. So Thank You! Facebook.
The pictures are amazing. I can see the likeness of my long lost nieces to other nieces. One of them is studying 2nd year in NUS. I am very proud she is getting her degree. They are so happy and had many pictures in resturants with their friends. They have grown up and are full of life. I am a happy to connect up with them electronically.
The pictures are amazing. I can see the likeness of my long lost nieces to other nieces. One of them is studying 2nd year in NUS. I am very proud she is getting her degree. They are so happy and had many pictures in resturants with their friends. They have grown up and are full of life. I am a happy to connect up with them electronically.
Monday, August 09, 2010
Status Update: Mum
I spoke to my baby sister this morning. She reported that mum has made progress. A cardiologist will see her tomorrow for her chest pain. She has less pain on her knee and requires less morphine. My sister sounds a lot more positive as well. I am feeling a little relief. I am very glad to hear mum is improving.
Thanks Buddha and Angels for their blessings.
Thanks Buddha and Angels for their blessings.
Spectacular Show
The National Day Parade is indeed an incredible show of creativity, organisation and technology. It also showed progress and displays our military might. 3G soldiers or 3rd Generation is indeed different from my National Service days. Now, there is radio controlled planes(my favorite) as well as chemical and biological warfare defense systems.
The songs and dance routines are at much higher standards. Also holding the Parade in the evening makes hell a lot of sense. The weather is cooler, no soldiers fainting while marching anymore. Then the use of pyrotechnics and lasers add brilliant colours to the show.
Happy Birthday Singapore! My hometown.
The songs and dance routines are at much higher standards. Also holding the Parade in the evening makes hell a lot of sense. The weather is cooler, no soldiers fainting while marching anymore. Then the use of pyrotechnics and lasers add brilliant colours to the show.
Happy Birthday Singapore! My hometown.
Sunday, August 08, 2010
BBQ Dinner Under the Stars
My brother-in-law and sister-in-law came for dinner with us together with their significant others and kids. I did my favorite meal - bbq. We had chicken and mutton satay, squids, salmon, chicken thighs, pork belly and pork chops. My brother-in-law's significant other cooked fried bee hoon and baked potato salad. My sister-in-law brought peaches she bought from Japan.
My wife prepares all the meat and satay was done by my housekeeper. I did the best part which is barbecuing all the food. I had a great time and my boys joined me occasionally to chat. This is a great family gathering.
I am very happy.
My wife prepares all the meat and satay was done by my housekeeper. I did the best part which is barbecuing all the food. I had a great time and my boys joined me occasionally to chat. This is a great family gathering.
I am very happy.
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Total Knee Replacement
On Thursday, my mum has a total knee replacement done in Scarborough Grace Hospital in Toronto. She is now recovering from the operation. Right now she is in deep pain and was in ICU for a day due to chest pains. She has ulcers in her gullet and acid reflux keeps giving her heartburns.
My youngest sister is there to keep mum company and comfort her. She is quite stressed up as she is watching helplessly many times while mum is in severe pain. My baby sister is great and fulfill her responsibilities as a daughter.
I hope and pray my mum will recover quickly.
My youngest sister is there to keep mum company and comfort her. She is quite stressed up as she is watching helplessly many times while mum is in severe pain. My baby sister is great and fulfill her responsibilities as a daughter.
I hope and pray my mum will recover quickly.
Friday, August 06, 2010
Indonesian Dinner
It is half day for all schools today. B1 and B2 went out to with their classmates to hang out and watch movies. B2 finishes his movie late. Although, mum has cooked two dishes for dinner, we decided to wait for B2 in Takashimaya Orchard so that we can have dinner together.
We ate at Pepes, the former Sannur Indonesian resturant. The food was good. We ordered too much and therefore I am now so full I do not waste food. This is not good for my weight. Exercising so much can be so easily negated by eating.
The tauhu goreng is so satup! Delicious! Yummy! Fabulous! We enjoyed the meal very much!
We ate at Pepes, the former Sannur Indonesian resturant. The food was good. We ordered too much and therefore I am now so full I do not waste food. This is not good for my weight. Exercising so much can be so easily negated by eating.
The tauhu goreng is so satup! Delicious! Yummy! Fabulous! We enjoyed the meal very much!
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Positive Mood
I am in a postive mood these days. My boys are working seriously on their school work. B1 is loaded with lots of school work to prepare for A level. B2 is getting into the scheme of things and putting in some serious work on his homework. B3 is doing more assignments and getting more independent in getting his work done.
As a Singaporean parent, I am totally obsessed by my boys focus on their school work and exams results. And stressed by their lack of interest. Recently, nagging is no longer necessary. Periodic reminders are still required. It is a huge positive change.
Whatever their exams results are, I am happy to see their work ethics. Their work ethics, drive and motivation are in the right direction. So I am pretty confident my boys will grow up to be fine gentlemen.
What else can a father wish for?
As a Singaporean parent, I am totally obsessed by my boys focus on their school work and exams results. And stressed by their lack of interest. Recently, nagging is no longer necessary. Periodic reminders are still required. It is a huge positive change.
Whatever their exams results are, I am happy to see their work ethics. Their work ethics, drive and motivation are in the right direction. So I am pretty confident my boys will grow up to be fine gentlemen.
What else can a father wish for?
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
It is a real puzzle that guppies (small freshwater fish) are thriving in a spring along the new Park Connector Network in Sungei Punggol. The ground water was flowing out into the river. Since it is quite high up and there are concrete drains further down stream I wonder how the little critter managed to swim so far up and form a colony right at the starting point.
Come to think of it, it is interesting to see a spring. Water keeps flowing out of "nowhere".
Come to think of it, it is interesting to see a spring. Water keeps flowing out of "nowhere".
Monday, August 02, 2010
Commando Selection
National Service is quite imminent for B1 and other JC2 boys. Today, we send him to Changi camp for selection test. Some of the boys looked extremely fit. B1 says someone did 17 chin-ups! There are plenty of boys who outperformed him on the physical fitness test. I was always very proud that his fitness level but it seems like there are many others who are way better. I thought he will be better than most of the other boys tested but I was completely wrong!
The boys are in the dragon boat team or plays rugby. Whatever, happens, I just wish my son will be safe and sound for his military service.
The boys are in the dragon boat team or plays rugby. Whatever, happens, I just wish my son will be safe and sound for his military service.
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Ten to Six in the morning, loud peals of thunders and a full bladder woke me up. I get up to relieve myself and go up to my roof garden to take a closer look at the sky. The sky are orangy red in colour. The clouds were high. Lightnings were flashing. It looked ominous.
I did my usual routine, turning on the television tuning in Channel News Asia. The scrolling headline at the bottom of the screen caught my eyes. "Pakistan: 800 deads in the worst floods in living memory". Torrentical rains and floods in China dominated the news in the past few days.
Flash floods in the Singapore for the past few months, worst in recent memory. Ever a pessimist, in contrast with my ex-colleague and friend, Tony (President of Optimist Club!), I wonder if the floods are due to better communication or signs of Earth Pole Shift or 2012 when the world as we know it comes to an end.
I can almost hear Tony saying oh! this is just a blip in the weather pattern. the world is not coming to an end. Remember Y2K? Well 2000 come and gone. We are all still here!
As I write, the thunderstorm has whittled down to steady drizzles. Maybe the world is not coming to an end...
I did my usual routine, turning on the television tuning in Channel News Asia. The scrolling headline at the bottom of the screen caught my eyes. "Pakistan: 800 deads in the worst floods in living memory". Torrentical rains and floods in China dominated the news in the past few days.
Flash floods in the Singapore for the past few months, worst in recent memory. Ever a pessimist, in contrast with my ex-colleague and friend, Tony (President of Optimist Club!), I wonder if the floods are due to better communication or signs of Earth Pole Shift or 2012 when the world as we know it comes to an end.
I can almost hear Tony saying oh! this is just a blip in the weather pattern. the world is not coming to an end. Remember Y2K? Well 2000 come and gone. We are all still here!
As I write, the thunderstorm has whittled down to steady drizzles. Maybe the world is not coming to an end...
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