Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Russia has wildfires and Pakistan has floods. The weather patterns are hotly debated. Is global warming or is it not? One data point i.e. one season does not indicate a trend. Now there is a global search for frogs as it is the proverbial canary in the mine. Frogs species are disappearing at an unprecedented rate. At a strategic 40,000 ft view, this is a worrying trend. As we move to a lower level, the macro-economics begins to take precedence. All countries want to make sure their economies continue to grow and create jobs.

By the time, it reaches individual level, the impact of CO2 emissions is very small. Each of us has to worry about our survival and economic well-being. Earning my daily rice, I do not even think about carbon. In order to do my job, I have to travel. This is huge carbon footprint. But the airplanes are going to fly anyway with or without me. I cannot say "oh! it is not green to fly so I am not travelling." As an individual, I use eco-friendly appliances and car. I also instill energy use conciousness on all my boys.

We are an eco-friendly family.

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