Thursday, October 27, 2005

Reviewing Work

I was reviewing my piece on Work and realise it reminds me of that some men would say the same things about women. The one etch in my mind is "Women! Can't live with them, Can't live without them." Probably the same holds true from the women's perspective!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


What is work?
Work help fill the time
Work give meaning to life
Work keep one occupied
Work is fun
Work is stress
Work is hard to live with
Work is hard to live without
Work is bring you up
Work is bring you down
Work bring joys and provides for the family
Work is love
Work is also pain
Why work??

Books, books, more books

Yes, I have not updated this blog for some time... after reading Janice Wong's reason for not updating was that someone make her upset. I realise my reason(or excuse rather) is laziness. Janice did not wish to write so that she may regret later. I was just "busy".

I've been going to the bookstores and the proliferation of titles is amazing. Many times, I wonder how to keep up with my favourite pastime - reading. I love management and leadership. There so many titles nowaday. I enjoyed Peter Drucker, Jim Collins, Henry Mintzberg, Gary Hamel, ... the list goes on and on.

I used to read a lot about occult, astral travel, Edgar Cayce, meditation, buddhism. Recently, Dalai Lama is in my reading list. I live to read. Call me a bookworm.

Thursday, October 13, 2005


I love to browse bookshops and book stores. In Bangkok airport, there are lots of bookstores. Although the selections are not wide, they do carry interesting books. If you like Buddhism, there are lot of books on Buddhism and Thai monks. If you can read Thai, there are plentiful of titles by monks. Obviously, Buddhism is widely practised in Thailand.

My business partner and friend, Sammin, a very capable, young and pretty lady is a devoted Buddhist. She just visited a temple who house AIDS victims, all kids. She does donations to help repair temple's roof, build school, repair and maintain rundown temple. I respect her a lot. In my opinion, she is doing good deeds and maintaining good karma. She is another model for me to emulate.