Saturday, December 01, 2018

Start of the Weekend

I woke up at 3am and tried to go back to sleep but was unable to.  So at half past 3, I decided to get up.  I noticed dining table light was left on, so check on B1's room and found he has not returned home yet.  I called and he is trying to get a taxi home even though I offered to go to pick him.  He has to wait with his friend.  He called me after a few mins as the taxi refuses to pick them and asked me to pick him up.

I went to UE Square, his friend has left.  We returned home at about half past 4 and he went to bed after showering.  He has to go to work when he wakes up.

As for me, the sky has turned light and the sun has risen casting light on the HDB blocks that block my paranomic views just a few years back.

The rain that started at about 3am has also stopped.  It is the start of a beautiful day and weekend...


Boh Tong aka Luke Tan said...

Heard that Dec month is going to be cold in SG due to rainfall.

BookLover said...

So far, it has been pretty cool. Day 5...