Thursday, November 29, 2018

I Wonder

I am reading a book on NDE or near death experience.  People who went through NDE do change their perspective and priority.  Gone are the material pursuits.  Mostly helping other people became a priority. 

I wonder about this.  I wonder if I can help others.  I wonder how can I conduct my life in a better way.  I wonder if I am wasting my life by not helping others more.

There are so many ways we can help others.  Considerate for others, spread love instead of hate, tolerant for others who are different.  Living a green manner, using less of Mother Earth resources, donating or buying tissue papers.

I wonder what my karma is.  If I can do more good and gain more "merit" in the Buddhist concept. 

I strongly believe I will continue once I left my physical body.  I wonder how my grade will be if I go to the Hall of Memories and have to grade my current life.  I went through some hard period.  However, I don't think that helps in my karma.  Maybe my world vision adoption of so kids may help.  Maybe not as that may be "buying good karma" as I am only using money.  Somehow, I believe good karma can only be acquired using my free will and time to help others.


Li said...

There is this informative website on nde at

One of the best nde related book is Dying to be me by Anita Moojani.

BookLover said...

Interesting website!