Thursday, May 31, 2018

Tooth Broke!

Yesterday, while eating roast pork for lunch, my pre-molar broke!  The skin of the KL roast pork was tough.  My teeth is quite weak after repair for several times.  I went to 2 dentists for assessment right away and there is a way to temporarily patch or get a crown which cost more than a thousand bucks!!  Unfortunately, I will need to pay up as what will be life without ability to eat all kinds of food?

The treatment nowaday is quite advanced.  There is a milling machine that will make my crown and my teeth can be fixed in a single day unlike old technology which will take a week.  Price is a lot dearer.


Boh Tong aka Luke Tan said...

BL are u ok? No update for a long time :(

BookLover said...

Yes, I am fine. Just that I don't sit at my computer often.

Boh Tong aka Luke Tan said...

Thanks goodness you are alright BL cos I was wondering
why you did not update your blog. Thought something has happened
to you.

BookLover said...

I am fine. True, true! I tried to look for old classmates or ex-colleagues and sometimes it is impossible. So I think they do not use social media. I spoke some friends about some people who don't do social media. And one says usually the person is gone as it is rare for people not to use social media.