Sunday, September 25, 2016

Immediate Relief after Blasting

I was feeling the strains on my right back when I drive.  I did not know the kidney had swollen.  Today when I drive, the strain is no longer there.  There is still some pressure but mostly it is relieved.  So today's technology is so wonderful. 

My father had kidney stones.  His treatment was surgical removal of the kidney.  There were 16 stones in his kidney when it was removed.  Today, the non-invasive technique is so much more advanced.  The kidney is saved and the stones are blasted and then excreted out through urinary system.  My abdomen is still sore from the intense ultrasound bursts.  However, it is nothing compared to surgically removing the kidney.

Recovery is pretty quick compared to my left kidney.  I am still up in the middle of the night, but not in pain.  So far so good:)

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