Thursday, April 24, 2014

Bucket List

Thinking about death, a bucket list seems to be mandatory in articles I read.  I never thought of a bucket list.  Even now, I could not think of a bucket list.  What is gnawing me that I will be unable to shut my eyes if I meet death.  I have no idea.  If I dies, I die.  I am satisfied with my life and what I have done and achieve.  Can it be better?  Of course!  It could be worse too, so no complain from your truly.

I do not have mountains to climb, aeroplanes to pilot, places to visit, or special things to do.  What would I do say if I have 10 million dollars.  Travel around the world?  I travel for work and it is enough.  Live in a beach or play golf?  Not for me.  I used to think I have plenty of books to read.  Now while I still read for pleasure, there is no pressure to catch up on my reading.  Reconnect with all my friends and relatives?  They are all busy.  I am happy to meet my nieces a few times a year.  I am also happy to have my sisters over as well.  Now I even meet my brother once in a while taking his taxi.

I have no desire for big pets.  I actually like to build a water features.  But never really get to it as I find reading the water landscapes books more interesting than actually doing.  I lost interest in flying model planes.  I bought lot of science kits but let B3 build them.  I write my rambling blog with no specific theme or interest.  It is just my online diary.

So for me, it is life as usual.  Work, eat, love.

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