Monday, August 05, 2013

Changing World of Work

We all know the world is changing and changing rapidly.  Many old jobs are obsolete and new one created.  Some are stable like doctors, lawyers and accountants.  Hence all mummy wants their kids to grow up to be one.  However, there is a controlled supply.  So only the cream la cream are admitted.  The rest of us have to contend with new jobs.  The internet spawn a whole new category of jobs like help desk, web designer, hacker and many others.  Even retail has display artists and becoming an actor if your academic results are not good.

The government is now saying a degree is not necessary.  However, the alternative without a degree is swarmed by foreign worker.  According to the survey, the middle age workers ages between 35 and 45 years old are most worried about their kids future work.  The population continues to grow and automation is reducing the number of workers needed.  So maybe in future it will be like one futurist forecasted that work will be for the privilege few.

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