Friday, August 03, 2012

Sterile Singapore?

I remember an American magazine called Singapore "sterile" like in an operating theatre.  Today, we have scandals on corruption at high government office using sex as gratification, sex with underage prostitutes, sex with underage boy and more.  Singapore is no longer sterile, boring and a place where everything works like clockwork.

It is spicy and happening place.  It all started with a politician (albeit opposition) with allegations of impropiety.  Since then, the floodgates open and like the saying goes "it does not rain, it pours!".  My wife felt that it is the feng shui and CPIB's fengshui may have change. 

Reading the Straits Times today is like reading weekly tabloids that is right at the checkout counters in the supermarkets in US.  It is interesting reading.  The unfortunate thing is many families are destroyed in the process.  Yep!  Singapore is now a developed country with warts and all.

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