Saturday, August 18, 2012

Nasty Deep Gash

My swimming pool is aging.  This afternoon, B3 had a severe and deep cut from the broken tile.  We brought him Mount Alvernia and he needed 3 stitches to close up the wound.  Cost $250!  I tried to get the painkillers so as not to waste time waiting.  I have to pay first!  Singapore, I guess anywhere else on earth, if you do not have money, you do not get treated.  I worry about the future where we are more and more like the US.  If you are not insured or have no money, the hospital will refuse to treat you as healthcare system is private.  No such thing as treat you first and then ask you to pay.
No money, no medicine.  So we will be like the society where you have to work to death.  The moment you cannot contribute to economy or society, your usefulness is gone and you will have to fade away.  Society does not care:(

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