Saturday, July 21, 2012

NDP Rehearsal

B3, our baby is in Primary 5 this year and therefore get to go for "National Education" in the National Day Parade rehearsal.  All Primary 5 students get to attend the rehearsal for the Parade every year.  B3 always want to go for NDP.  He says it is very exciting and he loves the fun pack.  Well, finally it is his turn.  I just picked him up from school at about 9:45pm.  He left for school at 1:45pm.  So it is 8 hours in the hot sun.

I asked him what is his opinion of the experience.  He says it is okay.  It is not as exciting as he thought.  So I says "now you understand why daddy is not keen on the NDP".  It is so hot and sweaty and just a long waiting game.  Worse, going to toilet is controlled.  I do not remember anything else about my NDP experience except all the unpleasant waiting for the VIPs to arrive.

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