Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Donation for my Witness

I promised to make a donation to a charity of her choice when my witness wrote the statement. Although the statement she wrote is basically says nothing to help in the situation, she has discharged her promise to write a statement.

I will also discharge my promise to make a donation to her favorite charity. I have written to her to ask her which charity she likes and she has not replied yet. I have a feeling she is not likely to reply.

At first, I thought I will go to the Kuan Yin Temple in Queens Street to donate for her. However, she may not like it if she is a Christian. I hope I do not have to donate to a Christian organisation. Although I support World Vision, in general, I do not subscribe to the narrow and biased views of Christian groups like the NUS Christian Society currently under supension.

So I think if I do not get an answer from her, I will donate to the School Money Pocket Fund for her. This fund help poor school kids who does not have money for recess or stationery. It is also secular.

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