Monday, November 07, 2011

GABA Rice Cooker

It is a public holiday as Hari Raya Haji was yesterday. The Punggol Water Park is crowded with merrymakers and family picnics. In the afternoon, it is going to my usual haunt Kinokuniya to spend time browsing on the new books.

Right now, we are testing out new diet of brown rice with a newly acquired GABA rice cooker. I am also trying out Rolled Oat. Brown rice and boiled oats are quite filling and after eating them, I do not fill hungry for a long time. However, the habit of eating is strong and I ate at meal times even though I am not hungry. Over time, I hope I can reduce the quantity of food I eat and reduce weight and be healthier.

GABA is short for gamma-Aminobutyric acid. GABA is good for the brain and CNS or central nervous system. I am also hoping for weight reduction. So it will be a win-win for me.

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