Monday, July 04, 2011

Dinner Conversation

We had a wonderful dinner. The food is fried flat wheat noodle. It was not cooked properly and therefore a stuck together in clumps. So if the food is not good why it is wonderful. It is the conversation we have with our B1 and B2. They are comparing our lives in Canada vs here in Singapore. My boys and I have fond memories of living in Canada. We thought life there is not bad as we are in the middle class like many other Canadian.

However, my wife did not enjoy the life in Canada as she is not the one who decide to immigrate to live there. The high income tax and consumption tax is what she keep focusing on. She keep insisting life in Singapore is much better. However, my boys felt that they have more toys than their friends and therefore life in Canada was not bad either. Actually, we are living similar lifestyle relatively speaking in Singapore as in Canada if we compare within each country. However, if we look at spending power that is disposable income, Singapore is superior with far lower taxes and a lot more variety in food and choices.

We had a healthy debate and my boys had lots of questions and sharing their perpectives as well. I am in agreement with them. Mummy was upset that her version was not received well even though we are in violent agreement. She is right but insisted only her version prevails. However, we feel we are not doing too badly when we are living in Canada.

I love the conversation with B1 and B2. They are growing up and we have intellectual and philosophical discussion on life. This is why tonight's dinner is wonderful.

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