Friday, June 24, 2011

Warm Friday

The heat is on, the heat is onnnn! Mercury rising. It is hard to do exercise. I cycled early in the morning and then late at night. Cycling in the dark is nice because it is cool but also a little scary in the PCN. "Wild animals", dark spots and fear of the unknown can caused panic. I am lucky this time with B1 cycling beside me. So with somebody to talk to, it help prevent imagination going wild.

Overwork and underpaid is always the view of an employee. Now it is really eating into the morale as many are stressed out. As the company seek to get out of mediocrity and put for expectation of growth of 500% in 5 years, the heat is on. Just work like hell. By the way, when you delivers please do not expect any difference in what you are paid. The rewards go to the top for squeezing blood from people lower down in the totem pole.

So don't worry, be happy.

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