Friday, June 24, 2011

Reinvent Your Career!

It is a catchy headline. Actually, it is Success Stories of 5 individual Americans who succeeded after their careers have to switch direction. One is a blockbuster franchisor who was living large and very well with mansion for his home and a super duper gas guzzler hummer for his wheels. Blockbuster is a video rental franchise and business model has change with the video streaming or as Fortune puts it - The DVD has cracked. This gentleman has to sell his house, his cars and other status symbols. He bought 6 Subway franchise and it did not work but he managed to sell them for a small profit. Finally, he went to L.A. and noticed the success of a Yoghurt chain. He filled up an application form to be a franchisee and did not get a reply. So he start up his own Yoghurt chain and right now the number of stores keep increasing. Success!

Another story is on a lawyer who turned to writing and become an author. He was making good income selling 200,000 copies. Then e-book happens(sound familiar?). Once again, the internet forces the change. Now he writes and sell his books through the internet for $2 per copy. He is making progress in his new career.

As I read this, change in our world is happening all the time. We have to adapt.

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