Sunday, November 07, 2010

More about Lobsang Rampa

The sky is lit up with orange hue. Rain drizzle on and off. It is a nice and quiet morning. Racheal Ray just left and Martha is keeping me company. I am on my computer writing...
Last night after dinner, I have a sudden urge to locate where Lobsang Rampa wrote about the signs of the impending earth shift. I remembered that he said more earthquakes and volcano eruptions, storms becoming increasingly violent. At the end of his books, he has offered Touchstone and 12" Record for sales through a company in England. I bought a touchstone and the record many years ago. I remember throwing the record away in one of my spring cleaning as vinyl record players went the way of dinosaurs. I do not remember touchstone. It is just a small piece of plastic. I may have thrown it away.
The touchstone is supposed to calm you down. I remember it did not really work for me. Maybe I do not follow the instruction. I search through the net and found this website where the books are available for free. My books cost $2.80 each or 35pence. Those days pound is worth more than $5. Today it is worth $2.
You can find out everything about Lobsang Rampa by clicking below:

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