Saturday, November 06, 2010

Dark and Early

Waking up in the dark is not fun. I am up since 20 to five. I need to go to the washroom to empty my full bladder. I lies on the bed to go back to dreamland. My mind keep floating to work. I realised I need to work on my presentation on basic selling skills for my customer the week after. I cannot fall back to sleep thinking about this. So I get up and fire up my laptop and started writing. I finished writing up a skeleton presentation.
Now, I am fully awake, I decided to blog. Blogging help relive memories in future. I also like the fact I am practising writing as well. It is a good way to as Stephen Covey in 7 Habits of Highly Effective Person puts it - Sharpen my Saw.
The phrase for starting early is usually bright and early but in Singapore it is dark. It would be bright at 20 to 5 in Toronto in summer, thereby creating the bright and early term.

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