Sunday, March 02, 2008

Breakfast with B1

Our usual Sunday morning is going to Bishan for breakfast before sending B3 to his gym class. While B3 is busy learning to flip and fall, I will bring B1 and B2 to Bishan branch library so that they can do their homework there. Today, we cannot do this routine because I have to travel. So I decided to walk to the nearby noodle stall for breakfast and B1 accompanied me. We had to walk for 15 mins to get there. I find that walking is a good way to have an easy conversation. He is more open to listening and asking questions. I do not get excited or short-fused unlike when I am behind the steering-wheel. The need to stay focus on moving vehicles is stressful and therefore make a person lose temper easily. Also the walk is through an open field and there are no distractions of consumer items or snacks or drinks unlike in the mall. I find this walk more engaging and results in better after-feelings.

The old fashioned walk is therapeutic for me.

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