Saturday, November 10, 2007

School is Expensive!

Even going to Primary cost lots of money. The textbooks, uniforms, school badges, stationery are getting more and more expensive each year. It gets tougher and tougher to live in this inflationary world.

Our "quality of life" has improved over time. Life is better by standard economic measures like TV, refrigerator, oven, etc, etc. The books are new with pre-printed workbook. Do we really need all the material things? I know I cannot live without the computer or internet. But how did I live without them before?

There are ways to disengage on the rat race or material wealth accumulation. Live simply. There 3 books that studied this phenomenon. All 3 have the same title "Affluenza". Money makes the world going round and let me enjoy the finer things in life e.g. good food, cappuccino, movies. Can I reduce my requirements to live a simple life? Should we all live simply and keep the earth intact for our future generations?


Anonymous said...

TIME bookshop has up to 80% discount at Singapore Expo hall 6 until 11 Nov, 9pm. The stationary and books are cheaper. Go and buy!

Anonymous said...

Thanks! SL. May drop by and see if I pick up any bargains. BL

cope said...

agree. simply life is just a console. make contact