Friday, November 09, 2007

How would you move Mt Fuji?

This book is on how the world's smartest companies select the most creative thinkers. It gave a brief history of the new style of interviewing. Most interviewees are well prepared for all the standard questions e.g. What is your strengths and weaknesses? What are you proud of? What do see yourself doing in five years?, etc.

Microsoft give puzzles and time the interviewees as they solve the puzzles. Often times, impossible puzzles are given like the title. The interviewees are graded for their creative answers. I find this an interesting read as the workplace and market have changed dramatically. Google, Goretex, Toyota are companies that have innovated in new management system according to Gary Hamel in his latest title -The Future of Management.

The future success are all created by new and innovative ideas. As usual, only selected few becomes enomously rich while the rest of us toil for pittances.

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