Friday, June 08, 2007

Unique Building along PIE right beside CTE

Every time I drive by the building that look like a ship, I wondered. Infineon with a giantic symbol that looks like a swoosh similar to Nike. It is very modern and unique. The design is very attractive. I thought it must be very expensive for a company to build an architectural significant building to house their operations.

Today, I learned that the building was built by Ascendas. It has feng shui elements. The building looks more like an office building inside even though it house manufacturing operations. There is a childcare center and the canteen is open to public. Carpark is free! Inside is glass and steel, very zen. I really like the building and everything still smells so new even though it is 3 years old.

My electronic engineering knowledge got updated significantly today. Visiting Customers is the best way to learn.

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