Sunday, April 01, 2007

The Middle Way

S was surprised that I know the Middle Way. I wonder what would SL, who is a staunch Buddhist, says.

Any Buddhist worth his salt should know the Middle Way. Moderation is basically what the Middle Way is about. No extreme. Do not believe blindly or follow without any preaching or teaching. Test it and if you find it true then follow. If not, discard. The best part is this include Buddha himself. He does not exempt himself from his teachings.

In Sri Lanka and Japan, beside a copy of Bible, there is a copy of the Teaching of Buddha in the hotel rooms. Reading the Teaching of Buddha in a strange bed in a strange room in a foreign country is comforting, very comforting.


Anonymous said...

Yes I believe in the Middle way. But having abundance is great for me too.

BookLover said...

You will have abundance as you move along in life. Starting is always slow and challenging. After the first million, the 2nd is easier...