Saturday, March 03, 2007

Weighing in back home

I am both excited and a little fearful that I may not have reduce my weight this trip. I planned to eat less by eating seafood. That did not happen. Deep fried pork, deep fried seafood, deep everything. Yes, the oil may be supposed to be healthy. I am sure it is not going to be weight-reducing. Actually, sitting down my jeans feels tight. It was not so on the day of departure. Well, I will work on it during the meal service in the aircraft.

Hopefully, I weighs below 87.5kg. Man! this is hard. Good food and weak will - it is a fattening combination. Stay tuned for my next weigh-in.


Anonymous said...

Haha, just exercise and u lose some weight lor.

BookLover said...

SL, will have to exercise harder. I do but not enough. Travelling means good food with no exercise, poor combination. This is why I need to cultivate self discipline. Thanks for your encouragement:)