Saturday, March 17, 2007

Global Warming - Doomsday Coming

Global warming is hot nowadays. Look like doomsday is coming. Arctic will be ice free by end of this century. No problem - I am not going to live this long. Accelerated computer model indicate this scenario is possible by 2040. Maybe I will experience some effect of global in my lifetime.

Weather is getting freaky and Melbourne and places in China are experiencing water shortage. Earthquakes are in the news. It is due to better communication that we know all these event rather than the change in weather?

What can I do as an individual to be more "green"? The convenience of modern city life requires a car, aircond, hot water shower and other high energy consuming devices. Work today also require travel. Plenty of travel. Airplanes not only consume energy, also emits plenty of pollutants high up in the sky. The questions is if I stop doing all this, how will I live? No income to for basic living. Look at Al Gore. He won the Oscar for "An Inconvenient Truth". This is a documentary about global warming. Yet, he lives in a huge mansion with a heated pool. Kind of hypocritical right? Well he claims that he purchase the CO2 rights from others. What difference does it make? He is not walking the talk. Leadership by doing what I tell you and not what I do.


Anonymous said...

Frankly speaking, I don't find the idea of buying CO2 convincing. It doesn't help in reducing energy at all. To reduce energy consumption, I believe we should start at home. Switch off the television and air-conditioner when not in use. Personally, I use fan. Air-conditioner really use up alot of energy. Then, try not to use plastic bag. Singaporeans should bring a big bag for shopping. Imagine the amount of plastic bags we use. Huge consumption create a problem and that is how to dispose the wastage without causing pollution.

Anonymous said...

Maybe to reduce travel, try to use more video conferencing lor.

BookLover said...

SL, thanks for all the suggestions. I agree that although it is very small individually but if all of us do so, the effect and impact will be great.