Monday, March 05, 2007

Another Day, Another Million

This is one statement that stick. My classmate say there a guy who makes a million a day. This is what he utters every morning the moment he wakes up.

I was watching CNN in Japan the (only English channel) in the hotel. There is a new book that is just launch. Title is "The Secret" The book prescribes that this is what you have to do repeat something you want to happen like a mantra and miraculously it will happen. CNN show a vignette of a woman who was diagnose with cancer and was later cleared. This woman was repeating "I no longer have cancer" over and over again while she was working in the kitchen.

This was very popular in the motivational books of the 70's. I tried it myself for my GCE "O". Repeating what the ideal result I hope for for more than a million times in writing and verbally. The conclusion I have is if I had spent the time studying and revising, my results would have been better than what I got.

1 comment:

zickleer said...

but somehow...every morning i wake up...i repeat saying i wanna grow fat...and i did it!yeah!...;)

guess sitting on the couch n munching on chips all day long really help