Saturday, February 24, 2007

A Powerful Anecdote

The Pursuit of Happyness is a movie and a book on the true story of life of an African American. This guy is a medic in the US Army and after his miltary stint is working in a hospital in San Francisco.

The turning point for him is going to the car park in a bright afternoon he saw a bright and shiny Ferrari with the purr of 380 horses circling around the car park slowly like a crouched lion looking for an empty car park space. The driver dressed in a custom tailored suit made from expensive cloth. (In US, custom suit is outrageously expensive relative to Asia.) He signalled to the driver to let him know he will be leaving and that the driver can take his car park lot. However, there is a catch. He told the driver you can have my car park lot if you answer a couple of questions. Ah! there is a catch! The first question what do you do? Simple. The driver is a stockbroker. How do you become one? The driver replied and took the lot...

Read the book or watch the movie to get the answers.

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