Saturday, February 24, 2007


I browse this title and there were 3 different books with the same title. Aha, I thought different printers or publishers. So I check the prices for the cheapest - always looking for a bargain. I flipped the pages and the content looks different. I check the author and all three have different authors. Hmmm! I thought. It is rare to see same title different authors.

I spent more time on the Australian version. I sat on the floor. It is a little embarassing as the books are in Sociology section which is in the main thoroughfare. Very busy and very visible, very "pai sei" to be seen sitting there. Anyway, the Australian version talk about busy and stressed trying to get more and more. Work hard to earn more. Get into more debts. Throw away more stuffs. Better schools for kids, etc, etc.

There are more and more Australian opting out of the affluence disease and saying NO to the advertisements that persuade buying more and more. It is a simple lifestyle that they are adopting to like walking to school and to work, eating out less, exercise more, work less, relax more, spending more time with their kids, and in general slowing down the pace of life.

I like the concept and idea. Right now, it is still a pipe dream. I like my material and creature comfort. It is nice to afford things that money can buy. However, I like to figure out how I can live a simple, low cost lifestyle and yet raise my boys to be independent and capable of fending for themselves when they grow up.

It is alternative lifestyle. Not the hippies of the sixties...

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