Sunday, February 11, 2007

French Party

Our French neighbour, Stefan had a front porch party last night with at least 6 couples and some with their young children. Party ang-mo style has a different atmosphere. There is a candle lighted in the middle and surrounded big comfortable sofa seats. Plenty of beers and wine. Lot of conversations. My guest for our own dinner party observes the ang mo like it dark. She prefers bright and well lighted at night.

It may a cultural difference. Chinese do not like dark. We always like to turn night into day when the sun sets. Our ang mo neighbours house is always dark with a couple of low wattage warm light. I am sure if they want to light up the living room or any room for that matter, it would have be a matter of switching on the lights that were installed by the owners. Both units are owned by Chinese owners. So I am sure lights installed will be sufficient turn night into day.

In general, Chinese like to chase away the gloom of the night while ang mos like the romantic moods. This may explains the well researched fact that Ang Mos have higher sex drive than Chinese.

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