Sunday, February 25, 2007

Blogger - simple and fast, Blogger2 - more features but...

Nowaday, my blog do not get updated right away unlike the old version. It usually takes overnight before showing up. I prefer the blogger original. Ya! blogger has less features but it is simple to use and fast. Now blogger2 has loads of features which I do not use since I am a technosaur. I have no pictures, no links, no music, no graphics, just words. Plain old words. The original allows me to read and correct any mistakes I made. Version two mean my bad grammar shows up for some time before corrections. Niece P will have a fit.


Anonymous said...

but blogger2 looks neater and nicer leh.No,its does not take that long...blogger is the best so far...hehehe :-)

Anonymous said...


then ill prob cut this blog some slack.
say 1 day if it really takes 1 day for any correction of mistakes to update.


BookLover said...

guess I touch some raw nerve...