Monday, February 26, 2007

No More Teh Halia

At the urging and nagging (more nag than urge), I did not go for my regular teh halia. I did a walk-a-jog. More walk than jog:)

Fighting my creeping weight increase, I decided to burn calories rather than add. Today is the first day. Let's see if I do a lifestyle change. Tea is a habit I had since 18 years old. So I will be in for major war. I actually feel good to come home all sweaty, stinky and sticky. It is the sense of accomplishment. No endorphins yet. I made a promise in this blog just like the Americans who made a pact in the blog rather than their family members to get out of their debts. Most succeed eventually. Those who did not probably did not update their blogs anymore. My goal is 82kgs a 6 kgs drop from today, Feb 26, 2007.


Anonymous said...

aiyoh,i was thinking of having teh alia with U and now stop taking..hehehe :-)

BookLover said...

No problem. I just decide not to have it every morning. I still drink with my meals outside...