Friday, January 12, 2007

Rain, Rain

From cold winter to rain water. Was happy to get home. I thought rainy season was over. Now in the news, the last 24 hours period has the same amount of rain in a typical month of January. Is the signs of time to come weather pattern changing or is this just a once in a while freak weather?

It will be a few more years in the future before we can tell if this come the trend or just once in a couple of decades blip.

If my memories serves me right, Lobsang Rampa mentioned in his books that weather patterns will change. There will be hotter summers and colder winters. Earthquakes become more frequent. All these are signs of the earth shift to come. He predicted more land will be under water. Canada and Australia will be powerful nation in future. The desert in the center of Australia continent will be green after scientist using nuclear bomb to crack a layer of imprevious rock to release water trapped underneath. I do not know if all these will happen in my lifetime. If so, I will be witnessing the turmoils on earth.

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