Thursday, January 11, 2007

Glenn Sosney

I remember clearly the first time Glenn Sosney comes over to my office. I just started in my new job as Associate Product Manager, Trays and Sharp. I look up and saw this young good looking man with a little goatee. He introduces himself "Hi! I'm Glenn Sosney. I am an Inventory Analyst. Chris Davis used to work very closely with me." Chris Davis was my predecessor. After he introduced himself, he says he is just want to say "hi" and since my predecessor worked closely with him, he thought he will make himself known to me.

I guess he must be sizing me up too. I had an entry about Glenn earlier. Glenn was instrumental in my success in the company where I had a standing ovation during the National Sales Meeting. This was many years ago and in Canada Asian is a minority. There are less than 5 Chinese in the company with staff strength of more than 400. The positions we held were secretaries(2), technician and Product Manager(your truly).

Glenn, if you are reading this please leave a comment.

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