Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Memories of Life in Canada

After dinner, I needed to take a walk. I step out of the house and the rain make me change my mind. I decided to drive to a mall to do my walking to help digest a heavy dinner. I drove to Junction 8 and obviously everyone have the same idea. It was impossible to get to the carpark. An immediate change in plan is warranted. U-turn and off to Toa Payoh Central. My hungry boys need more snacks. They do not seems to stop eating and yet still stay slim...well except B2 who has a thick fatty layer around his waist.

It was 10pm when we drove home via PIE and CTE. The road was wet and rain keep falling. It is chilly in the car. The cars were moving slowly and carefully. This brought back memories of Christmas in Canada. The drive in winter is always slow due to rain or snow. Worst of all is freezing rain. Christmas is the best time in Toronto. Carols will be everywhere, in the office, malls, radio and TV will have repeats of all the Christmas shows. Christmas is about family, giving and forgiving. I loved looking out of the windows and watch the flurries or snowfall. It is very comforting to be in a warm and bright place looking out at the cold, dark outside. Best of all is to wake up and see everything turns into white blanketed by snow. Sweet memories of Christmas. I loved Christmas especially in Toronto.


Anonymous said...

Then why did you come back to Spore? Just trying to be kapo lah,Booklover..hehehe.

BookLover said...

The wife wants to come home. She missed her family and long distance phone is not enough.

Now you know who call the shots...

Anonymous said...

The hand that shakes the cradle rules the world...hehehe