Thursday, December 06, 2018

A Thousand Apologies, S!

Dear S,

Thank you for visiting my blog and sharing on the NDE book.  My apologies for thinking it is my good friend, Boh Tong as he usually leaves comments for me as encouragement.

I am gratified to get your valuable comment.  I have read a little about Anita Moorjani and watched her on YouTube.  It is indeed an interesting journey for her and I am glad to learn from her.

The NDEs I read about are usually researchers who interviews the people who experienced NDEs.  The first hand account is a refreshing change from my usual read on this subject.

Thank you so much for dropping by my blog and leaving your comments.



Li said...

It's ok. I also read Dr Raymond Moody and Dr Eben Alexander book on Proof of Heaven. Anita Moojani also wrote What if this is heaven which I also brought. Quite an interesting read.

BookLover said...

They are good reads!

Another of my favorite is Lobsang Rampa, the Tibetan monk who transmigrate to English plumber body.