Friday, November 16, 2018

The Earlier You Retire, the Longer You Live!

Everyday is the same when you are not working.  There is a Boeing actuarial study that found the earlier you retire, the longer you live.  I did a Google search on retirement age vs lifespan.  Many studies since then found it may be other factors other than the retirement age.  For example, one study the type of job, another look at the income or wealth.  So the link of longevity to retirement age may not be so simple.

As for me, it is not living long that is important.  It is the quality of life.  The mobility and ability to do one's desire.  There is no point in living long if the quality of life suffers.  Best is to have a fulfilling life and ends well.

1 comment:

Boh Tong aka Luke Tan said...

I agree with you that the quality of life is better than living long
but in a wheelchair :)