Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Nov 15, Start of Right Hip Pain

I am making sure I keep a record of the changes in Pain as I recover from my spine surgery.  It is Nov 15 that the pain and discomfort started and now it is giving regular pain.

I cycled on 19th Nov morning.  I just want to be sure if my spine X-ray shows up as abnormal, I need to know if all these incidents have any relationship.

I will be going for Physiotherapy again tomorrow.  Let's see if there is an exercise I can do to help reduce the pain.  Right now, I have to do balancing exercise as my core muscles are weak and need strengthening.


Boh Tong aka Luke Tan said...

Wa BL you still cycle even after the surgery not long ago?

BookLover said...

Yes, but I am taking it easy. Cycling is not the problem. It is crowded area that cause my hips to hurt. We have to twist and avoid collision with people moving about. This is where our core muscles are used(physiotherapist explained to me). Cycling do not requires core muscles much.