Saturday, December 19, 2015

Not So Worried

I guess I have reach maturity and detachment.  I wished I did get out of the stock market.  Although I did not and have a huge paper loss, I did not feel so bad.  Before, I would have tighten my belt.  Instead, I continue to spend and justify my spending with the fact I lost a lot more in the stock market.  Today, I spend more than $2K for B3 to take master cooking course in ABC.  Yes, ABC!  ABC is a Japanese company that conduct cooking class.  All material provided.  B3 loves baking and he loves Japanese dessert.  So ABC is enjoyable for him.  Mummy felt that it was too much to pay but I asked her about his tuition cost.  For only 1 subject he is taking now, we pay almost $4K annually.  We do not bat an eye when it comes to academic tuition.  But everything else is simply too expensive.  So we are typical Chinese who just pay economous amount of money just so our boys can keep up with the exams pressure.

I am a little worried but unlike in my younger days, I was so stressed up by this kind of financial stress.  My wife always remind ourselves that if we know we are going to be ok today why did we worry and stress ourselves so much in the past.  Today, with the financial stress, we take it better as we know in future it will improve.  The other reason may be our boys are grown and will no longer need as much money to support.  B1 and B2 should be earning in a couple of years.  So it is easier to be detach and not worry so much about money.

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