Friday, May 29, 2015

Right Tools

The schools of fishes were difficult to catch until B1 caught a few.  He was fast and I learned from him.  Then I bought 16" net which works even better catching more fishes but also losing the fishes most of the time.  The fishes are very fast at evading my net.  This evening, I bought an even bigger net with big mesh.  So the resistance is low and my speed improved dramatically.  So now I caught even more fishes.  I just need big mesh net for bigger fish and fine mesh for ghost shrimp.  To catch the right sea creature, you need the right tools.  It is also a learning experience.  Everytime I improve in figuring out the habits of the fish and then buying the right tools.


Boh Tong aka Luke Tan said...

Do u cast the net or u go into the water and scoop up the fishes?

BookLover said...

Just scoop up the fishes. The fishes are very fast. So you must be very quick.