Friday, April 10, 2015

Simple Happiness

I am very easily satisfied!  Today, at low tide I caught a few pistol shrimps which is ok.  As the tide is coming in, I caught baby shrimps!  This makes me happy.  I move location hoping to get more shrimps but it seems like the shrimps only congregate in one location.  One wave however topples my bottle and the water in the bottle was spilt.  I was aghast that all my catch was disappearing into the open water.  Luckily I was fast enough the catch the bottle and turn it upright before everything was gone.  Since I lost a lot of water, I was thinking of replenishing but the waves are coming in quick succession and I was worried that getting more water can cause me to lose even more baby shrimps.  So I decided to quit while I am ahead.

When I reach home, I fed the arowana with dead pistol shrimps as two died when I caught them.  The arowana become excited and keep jumping up and knocking on the metal grill I placed on top the prevent it from jumping out of the water.  I see the baby shrimps swimming about in the saltwater aquarium and feels very good about it.

Yes, I am happy today!

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