Saturday, February 28, 2015

Bone Soup

I was up early in the morning just before 5am.  So I go to the AMK wet market as the coffee stall is opened at 5am.  I like the bustle of merchants getting ready and preparing their products to welcome the weekend crowd.  Many years ago, I have to go to Adams Road hawker center to watch the No. 1 Nasi Lemak Stall owner preparing his food at 4am when I was recovering from jetlag every time.  Nowadays, I do not have to go to US and therefore no longer has the need to drive around early in the morning.

After my morning tea, I bought two big soup bones for $3.  The big soup bones are superior as they contain more bone marrow.  I boiled the bones for more than 8 hours.  The soup is very thick and smell "porky".  So I added salt, black pepper but it was still not so good.  I added dried parsley and complete garlic cloves for more favoring.

I put in deep fried fishmaws and fried gluten.  The pot is very oily which I like but my wife did not and she was not happy.  B1 take out the oil and the soup looked much more like the soup she makes.  I sliced the green lip abalone thinly.  The liquid from the can was used to add flavor to my soup.  I added dried oysters as well.  I thought the soup was not bad but all of us was quiet and I was afraid since she was not in a good mood.  We are all afraid of the matriarch.

All my 3 boys drank the soup well.  I am glad they enjoys my cooking.

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