Sunday, January 18, 2015

Fun Saturday for Me!

My wife's classmate from secondary school married a dentist.  It is convenient we need emergency dentist services as his appointments can stretched to two months or more if we call the reception.  So if it is too long, my wife will have to call her friend and then when there is a special slot, she will get an sms and we will rush down.

Enough intro!  Coming back to why it is fun, well, B3 had his tooth extracted for his braces.  So I am obligated to return the favor by preparing a meal.  In the morning, I went to Foodie Market in Tiong Bahru to buy striploin, tenderloin and ribeye.  We had two frozen ribs.  I spent the day preparing for the meal.  First is cutting up lettuce, washing it and spin the chopped lettuce dry before keeping it in the fridge.  Then I cut out the Australian mangoes and placed them nicely on a serving plate before using a plastic wrap and storing it in the fridge to make it cold.

Then I seasoned the beef.  The Wife brine the baby back ribs.  Then it is off to Fairprice for bbq sauce as we had run out.  Since ribs take a long time to cook, I had to bbq them two hours in low heat after searing them with high heat for 10 mins. 

Since it is Western bbq, I decided french fries against the wishes of my lo fa ye(Empress Dowager).  While bbqing the tenderloin, I deep fry the french fries.  French fries take a long time to cook using gas stove.  No enough heat transfer.  B3 was not impressed as the fries were not "Golden" in colour.  So he help out by re-heating the fries in the toaster and arranging them nicely in our serving plate.  B1 and B2 help by getting the table ready and entertaining the daughter who is very sweet!  Mummy thinks she is interested in our B1.  Anyway, I am happy my B1 is popular with girls and he is open to talk to them unlike before.

We finished at closed to midnight.  I had a wonderful day:))

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