Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Roy, the CPF Champion

One small guy can do so much with his fingers.  All he did was used his fingers to click and gather information and put them together.  He analyses with great details.  Some felt his calculations were wrote.  I think they are either PAP supporters or paid to write those commentaries.  At the end of the day, CPF returns are dismal.  Meanwhile, GIC and Temasek are making wonderful returns. 

The retired teacher during Hri Kumar put out an excellent point.  Stop telling us this percentage and that percentage.  Please return to me my money. 

What Roy has accomplished is incredible.  He managed to force the government media, Straits Times to write about CPF.  The government is also responding and talking about CPF.  Sadly, no answers.  All we hear that the lawsuit and false allegations.  Nothing about our CPF.  Nothing about how we can get back CPF which is "our money according to Tan Chuan Jin, Manpower Minister."  Really?  If it is our money, what so vague and so many rules and obstacles? 

Roy is famous and he should be.  He champion for most Singaporeans who need to understand what happens to "their money".

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