Monday, June 16, 2014

Heatwave and Eel

It is extremely hot today.  I drank loads!  It is interesting.  With such high temperature, many are still out at the PCN exercising.  So keeping healthy is really important to many Singaporeans.

I used to collect baby eels when it rained to feed the arowana.  Usually, I just leave them in the pond.  The PCN drainage has been improved.  So no more eels or earthworms to collect after heavy rain nowaday.  Yesterday, B3 was trying to catch baby guppies in the pond.  Then he found something moving.  He got a shock to find that it was an eel that is almost 2 feet long.  I was wondering how come 100 goldfishes I put into the pond has disappeared.  I thought it was the kingfisher.  So I put fishing lines across the pond to discourage the birds from fishing, but my fishes continue to disappear.  Now I know the reason.  The little 4 inches long eel has become 2 feet!  We caught one.  I do not know if there is another lurking in the pond.

My pond is full of water plants.  So it is easy for the eels to hide.  I hope no more eels so that the goldfishes I put in can grow to large size.  My pond is now like an eco-system.  The guppies are reproducing and plenty of baby guppies swimming around.  Sometimes, they go to the arowana side and probably get eaten up.

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