Thursday, May 22, 2014

Wu La La

I have no idea but suddenly I just utter out "wu la la"!  It is a meaningless expression but it mean I am excited.  I have no idea what I am excited about either.  Sometimes subconsciously I am just happy?  Maybe it is just work.  I manage get my answers quickly.  It is fun when things go smoothly:)

Takashimaya has 10% sales going on, so my wife wants to get a cleanser for herself during lunch.  I explore the food section as usual.  I noticed two RIJC girls eating chocolate softserve icecream and the label on the paper cone holder states Godiva.  So I starting hunting for the Godiva store.  After scouting the typical area, I saw another woman holding the ice treat coming towards me.  Ah ha moment!  I walk toward her direction and past her.  Then stall come to view.  It was outside Cold Storage checkout counters.  I remember tasting samples of hot chocolate from Godiva in our trip to US.  It tasted heavenly.  We bought a bottle back.  As it was expensive, we try to save it for as long as possible.  Unfortunately, it spoils.  So our money was wasted.  My philosophy change.  If we buy any food item tat is expensive, we have to consume it while it is still fresh.

I bought the chocolate ice cream for her and a milk chocolate shake for myself.  The wife was concerned that about consuming food in Taka and I was scolded.  It is hard to be a husband.  Getting a favorite snack for the wife and totally unappreciated.  Adding insult to injury was being reprimanded.  In Hokkien, pai cho lang.

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