Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The End of Another Year

Today marks the end of 2013.  It is quiet and peaceful.  My neighbours must be attending parties elsewhere.  Several homes are dark.  When we had a few French expatriates, they always have year-end parties.  Now, only two French families left, our estate is quieter. 

My boys and I watch the movie - The Expatriate after dinner.  Aaron Eckert is a ex-CIA agent whose office suddenly disappeared.  All his co-workers were in a hospital morgue the next day.  The storyline is not bad.  Aaron is impossible to kill even though he is being tracked down by professional killers.  He is like Liam Neeson who get slightly injured all the pros sent to kill them die like flies.  Anyway, the action is quite good and hold me on the edge.  It is just a movie and we have to suspend our beliefs.  I like the ending.  He reunites with his daughter and flies back to his home country.

2013 overall is a good year for me.  My work is busy, my income can sustains our expenses and our boys done well in school.  We wished for better results but hey, while they are not at the top, they are not at the bottom either.  We will have our family gathering this Sunday as my sisters were out-of-town during Christmas.  We are enjoying Christmas ham at half price from Cold Storage.  The expiry date is quite near. 

I sliced off a small piece of my left thumb this evening as I use the slicer to slice tomato.  It is smooth and slippery.  I should have use the knife to slice it.  Anyway, B1 took over the preparation for dinner.  Since the complete skin is sliced off, the bleeding continues even when I put pressure for more than 10 minutes.  Finally, I have to let the bubble of blood clot.  Everytime, I use my hand, the bleeding starts again.  So it is not easy.  B1 is freaking out at the sight of blood.   Now the bleeding as stopped but the clot is fragile.  So I have to take care not to use my hand, otherwise bleeding starts again.

Goodbye 2013.  Hello 2014.  We hope 2014 will be a better year. We hope it will be a peaceful and prosperous. I hope no unrest or riots.  I wishes all Singaporeans good jobs and good future in 2014.

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