Wednesday, December 11, 2013


The foreigners issue has been rumbling for years and finally in the last GE, the votes swing wakes up the government and the flow was not stopped but slowed.  The riots in Little India is indication of the numbers have reached the flashpoint and burst into flames.  You can blame on many factors.  Alcohol is now the biggest whipping boy.  LKY said he will not allow too many foreigners as they bring along social habits like splitting, jaywalking, littering and other social ills which he eliminated for Singaporeans.

The massive influx of foreigners increase Singapore's economic performance and social inequality as the gap between rich and poor widens (the working class becomes poorer and poorer as the foreigner reduce wages). 

The question for the Singapore Government is whether it will consider to reduce the influx further and maintain social harmony through less or slower economic growth or impose more controls to keep unruly behaviours in check. 

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