Thursday, November 14, 2013


Sometimes, I just ponder what life is about.  There are so much to do.  I have so many books to read but unable to.  Recently, I have been watching Korean dramas.  After a while, I get tired of it.  I was reading thrillers by David Baldacci and this has come to pass as well.  Meanwhile, work to earn income and spend $$$ to look after the family. 

Is there more to life than earning and spending?  Recreation like reading and watching drama gets boring after a while.  Why some have a calling like becoming a monk or preacher.  I wonder how many other professionals have calling.  I enjoys working and doing business, however earning money is not a calling.  Maybe I am wrong.  Enjoying my work means it is a calling.  Seems like a calling means you either become very rich(entreprenuers, surgeons) or very poor(missionaries and social workers).  The rest of us are just worker bees.  Working so that we can live.

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