Friday, October 25, 2013

Tired of Books?

Recently, I have not been acquiring a lot of new books.  I am also not reading books as much as well.  When I fly, I read the newspapers and magazines.  They are easy reading.  Books unless it is fiction requires more brain power and focus.  When I take flights with zero entertainment options unlike SQ, I should bring Thrillers like David Baldacci or Jeffrey Archer.  I should also bring Ken Follet.  I was introduced to Ken Follet by Cheong Suk Wai.  She wrote on the pleasure of reading and one of the books she enjoyed a lot was Pillar of the Earth.  There are so many pages.  It takes a long time to read through.  Actually, I find the story very enjoyable.  However, it requires a huge block of time to go through the extremely thick book

I read less on Leadership and Management Science nowadays.  I am still using English books for reference.  My reading diet not only reduced, has also change to light reading.

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